This wine arrives from our just completed and newly built winery at Feudo di Mezzo which lies in the heart of Etna viticulture. It is produced from Carricante grapes and partially fermented in barrique, and is the result of searching for a modern expression of this noble vine now cultivated in the splendid and unique terroir of Etna.
Variety:  100% Carricante
First year of production:  2012
Area of production:  Castiglione di Sicilia (Catania)
Vineyard:  Montelaguardia
Type of soil:  land with perfect position and aspect with black soil from lava sands which is extraordinarily rich in minerals.  It is surrounded by woods and more recent lava flows in a timeless atmosphere.
Altitude:  700 metres above sea level
Yield per hectare:  60 tonnes, 1.2 kg per vine
Training system:  vertical trellis, spur pruned cordon
Planting density:  5,000 vines per hectare
Harvesting period:  5th October
Vinification:  the grapes are picked into crates and are at once refrigerated at 8°.  After light crushing and destemming they are soft pressed.  The decanted must is racked and inoculated with yeasts then ferments at 15° for 20 days.  The wine thus obtained remains on the lees until February with continuous mixing.  10% of the must is fermented in barriques
Fermentaion equipment:  stainless steel 50 hl tanks and Allier oak 225 litre barriques
Fermentation temperature:  15° C
Length of fermentation:  20 days
Maturation:  in stainless steel tanks and Allier oak 225 litre barriques
Bottling period:  June
Alcohol content:  14%
Total acidity:  6.25
pH:  3.31
Aging capacity:  from 5 to 7 years
Bottles:  0.75 lt.