On February 5, at the Eden Roc Hotel in Miami, USA, Alessio Planeta received the honor of “Winemaker of the Year” during the 24th annual “Wine Star Awards”. This important international recognition, awarded every year by the renowned North American magazine Wine Enthusiast, represents one of the most coveted awards in the wine industry and helped Italy reach the top of the list after 16 years. This award confirms Alessio’s excellence and continuous commitment to winemaking.

“I am deeply honored by the award that the Wine Enthusiast has bestowed on me this year,” stated Alessio Planeta, “a recognition that I am happy to share with my family and with our entire staff. It is thanks to them that we have built up our family winery, day after day, through our shared commitment, dedication, and passion. Next year, we will be celebrating our 30th anniversary, and receiving such a prestigious tribute at this time fills me with emotion and makes me proud of the solid reputation that the wines of Sicily have won across the globe.”