Exploring Nero d’Avola!

Our harvest story, this year, revolves around exploring this special variety, representing the Iconic wines of Sicily, and this year brought us to nominate our top 20 international ambassadors.

Let’s start with the harvest to find out how this ancient and noble Sicilian grape variety succeeds in expressing itself differently in each territory, how the interpretations that we give it vary, thanks to our work on the terroir and on making the most of the agricultural, historic and cultural features which form it.

In this trip we will bring with us an ancient map of Sicily, which witnesses millennial of viticulture. Every coloured fragment of the map is one of the territories of Planeta’s Nero d’Avola: Menfi, Vittoria, Noto, Capo Milazzo.

Each cluster will give birth to one of our eight wines that originate from Nero d’Avola: Plumbago, The Secret Red, The Black Secret of Avola and Rosè in Menfi, the Dorilli and the Cerasuolo di Vittoria in Vittoria, the Santa Cecilia in Noto, the Mamertino in Capo Milazzo.

Follow us on https://exploringnerodavola.com/