locandina Evento planeta

When: From July to September
In three of the five Planeta territories; at the ‘Theatre in the vineyard’ at Sciaranuova on Etna, at the Buonivini estate at Noto, and in the baglio of Ulmo at Sambuca di Sicilia.
Theatre, with the second year of the Sciaranuova Festival; music, with concerts at sunset; Viaggio in Sicilia, the travelling project for art and territory.


Theatre, music and contemporary art are this year at the centre of Planeta’s involvement with culture and territory.

As well as supporting numerous cultural activities and partnership with prestigious national cultural institutions, the greatest energies will be concentrated during the summer on the three activities directly produced by the company.

The Theatre, to begin with. Between the end of July and the beginning of August, the Sciaranuova Festival will return. The ‘Theatre in the vineyard’, a natural amphitheatre between the volcano and the vineyards, will host four theatrical performances under the artistic direction of Paola Pace.

The first will be on Friday 29th July; Vincenzo Pirrotta will present ‘In the shadow of the hill’.

On Saturday 30th July the Trizziridonna trio give a concert ‘A vucca ri l’arma’. On Friday 5th August Massimo Verdastro will present ‘Una Divina di Palermo’. Rosario Tedesco will close the festival on 6th August with ‘Se dico Goethe’. The performances will begin at 7.30 pm with an aperitif at sunset, followed by the entertainment. Something new for this year will be some events outside the theatre, reserved for those attending the festival; walks on the volcano on Sunday 31st July and Sunday 7th August, and visits to the winery of Feudo di Mezzo on Saturday 30th July and Saturday 6th August.

Music: the wine press at Buonivini will offer a programme of sunset concerts, which will culminate on 26th August with an important engagement in collaboration with the Accademic Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, with which Planeta will celebrate the beginning of the grape harvest at Noto. This is where the Santa Cecilia wine is grown from Nero d’Avola grapes, the wine which bears the name of the family, the same as the patron saint of music.

Finally, contemporary Art. In September the seventh edition of the travelling residence for artists, Viaggio in Sicilia, will take place, with the title ‘Maps and Myths of the Mediterranean’, curated by Valentina Bruschi. Seven young artists will travel through the hidden areas of Sicily, from the west to the extreme east, and then back again, finishing at the baglio of Ulmo to define the effects of their journey in their works, which will be exhibited at the show in 2017.

‘We believe’, confirm Alessio, Francesca and Santi Planeta, ‘ in the obligation to promote cultural initiatives of quality, seeking thus to make the most of the Sicilian territory where we work in this way also, and thereby returning in part all those opportunities with which we have been provided. A tribute to our island’.



333 7337513

Info: eventi@planeta.it – 0925 1955465 – 091 327965