Ab Insula is a collection of emotions experienced by Planeta, which from now on turns into a small, extraordinary catalogue, unlike any other.

Serra Ferdinandea
A vineyard of rare beauty, in the middle of scrubland and woods, at an altitude of 400 – 450 meters. It is on the western edge of the Sicanian Mountains, in the area between Sciacca and Sambuca di Sicilia. It rises not far from the Strait of Sicily, from Monte Kronio (Sciacca) – where probably the most ancient wine in all the West was discovered, dating back 6,000 years ago – and from the Phoenician rock millstone named “Palmento della Risinata ” (Sambuca di Sicily).

Launched in the mid-19th century by the Spitaleri di Muglia family, of noble and extremely ancient lineage. Their name derives in fact from “Hospitaller”, the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem and then of Malta, crusader barons who settled on Mount Etna to market wine at the end of the 13th century, on their way back from Jerusalem. Enlightened farmers, they boast the primacy of being the first to cultivate vines again on Mount Etna –
after the suppression due to the Islamic rule – and of having maintained the agricultural activities through the succession of different dominations and cultures: from the flourishing trade of the High Middle Ages to the renaissance in the 16th century.